Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Front

To speak words of a poem, but not a poet.

To sing words of a song, but not a singer.

To enlighten with philosophy, but not a philosopher.

To paint a painting, but not an artist.

To live a life, but not be living. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Something Pure

Longing for something that is mine
Something unconditional
No intentions
No strings

Longing for something that is free
Something loving
No fear
No pain

Longing for something that is honest
Something peaceful
No doubt
No tears

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Mind got the Best of the Soul

Shadows creep across synaptic gaps
Lurking to create chaos among many twisting messages
Laden thoughts sneak through to come front stage
Only to be shoved deep down into the depths of the gut

Mind attempts to organize and prioritize
Do this, get up, do that, now, don’t wait
Nerve messages too weak to move the muscles commanding this burdened soul
Thoughts begin to fill from head to toe

Intelligence masked by fear and insecurities
Past actions speak of a different tongue
Sinking like quicksand
Idle too long and be lost, be gone

Fight the shadows
Move the soul into a light
Run, jump, fly
Be free of the mind, 
but whole from the experience of a soul

Friday, June 29, 2012

Times Have Changed

plastic tupperware bowls
of cheerios
kool aid stained lips
my hand me downs
are too big for my hips
no name sneakers

taste the smell of 
earth's soil
can remember the smell of
rain on the sidewalk
barefoot for the week
stubbed toes and drinks
from the garden hose

throwing rocks
skidding bicycle tires
exploring through the 
stepping in the mud
just the way we should

lunch of peanut butter 
and jelly
sweat dripped down our
more time spent outside
grass stained jeans
and mosquito bites
on sunburned skin

taste the salt in 
my throat
skin hot to touch
sand in my hair
and down there
the beach was our

piles of crisp autumn 
long flannel sleeves
corduroy pants
jump in the colors
like a child dance

bundled up with socks
on hands and toes
red cheeks and a rosy
build a snow fort or 
snowball fight don't
tell mother

run around outside
not constantly on 
their mind
dirty hands and skinned
can i stay out longer

toys found of objects
and imagination
we went to the moon
and space stations
climbed fences and
trespassed neighbors'

hide-n-seek turned to
man hunt
baseball games with a
dirt filled shoes
forgot the socks
bath water turned

the street lights are on
childhood friends to bond
sleep well from time spent
see you tomorrow to 
the day lent 

L.J.S. 6/29/12

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Starting New

Uncluttered space
Breathing room
An untouched desire
A flower to bloom
Air to admire
A new place

Simplicity to be
Sense of clear
Center in peace
Thoughts to share
Heart to lease
Begin in me

L.J.S. 6/24/12